Friday, September 22, 2006



Anonymous said...

cool i love these drawings. i like to draw wolves and god knows what else, im not doing bad but there is a lot of room to improve. anyway keep it up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thats amazing i wish i could draw like that

Anonymous said...

Thats hot i like the drawing a lot keep it up

Paul Harmon said...

thanks guys!
I love werewolves. I'm working on a full color Mora will be insane with with monsters!

Anonymous said...

less = more the detail is fast witch makes it look awsome very nice wrk

Anonymous said...

I love the drawing, i even tried to draw it myself it turned out ok but yours is still way better!

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW! You're really good, I think you should draw more wolves and less monsters, but that's my opinion, you're really good at it!

Anonymous said...

THIS IS AWESOME!!!I love anything that involves wolves and this is the best drawing yet!

Paul Harmon said...

thanks everyone ok...i gotta do more wolves! ;)

Anonymous said...

I am a talented artest myself, some of my best work happens to be werewolves but yours are better when it comes to the face and open mouth. (I like your work)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Far out! There awesome!..

Anonymous said...

retarded...not(sorry if i ofended you- i have nothing against you)

Anonymous said...

im the same as above and by retarded...NOT i mean its cool.( i really hope i didnt offend

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i saw your myspace on your.... nephew's page and i decided to click on it because i heard him talk about you, and so i checked out your blog and found this wonderful drawing of these wolves! and i decided to put it as my myspace background, of course with your name on the corner. mmm you're good.

Anonymous said...


i like the first one i like drew the the eye then came off for the noes and the sied fo the mouth and line for the saliva good work

Anonymous said...

dude that is awsome

Anonymous said...

WOW pretty talented...
im an artist my self and this is good..

Anonymous said...

filthy but i not that inta the werewolf/monster kind a thing. it kind of ruins the wolf's thing and makes em out to be real mean and stuff. i like to draw myself and i think the way u used the shades and lines really worked.

Anonymous said...

Awesomeness!!I so want to draw like that.Good thing you can!Ha!It looks dark and all but I can't help but like it.

Anonymous said...

hi i think your wolves are absolutly amazin people say i am good at drawing things like dat xxxx

Anonymous said...

wow, thats awesum!!!!!!!! =DDD

Anonymous said...

WOW those drwaings are amazing I'm in love with werewolves<33

Anonymous said...

cool sweet. I tried drawing your pictures but i coudnt, it turned ugly and retarted so keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

i think its a good drawing. but you made it out to make it look like that wolves are nothing more then these horrible monsters and nothing more. you should try to portray the good natured side of the wolves. they are actually gentle animals but aill attack when necessary. but that doesnt mean they are as big a monster as you make it seem like they are. (the second picture ecspecaily shows that)

Paul Harmon said...

thanks everyone!
@sarah I totally disagree with your assessment. Even if these were REAL wolves and I had taken a snap shot of say wolves frolicking about or standing majestically in the snow with moon light gleaming off the fur someone else could come along and just as easily complain that, that is an inaccurate one sided portrayal of a romanticized idea of a wolf, not showing any of its fierce nature, just highlighting the humanized qualities we like best and nothing more. I'm not sure how any snapshot of anyone or anything could show there are absolutely no other qualities to the subject. Doesn't even the sweetest animal bare its teeth when threatened?

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing pic! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

I agree yhu r gd at drawing wolves , i love them but this is my opinion , the only wolf pictures by yhu i have seen are the ones that make them look like monsters, wolves arnt monsters they protect themselves and there family , and even if yhu write wolf in on google most pics are ones were they r snarling or growling witch isnt write and i think its sick...

Paul Harmon said...

I'm not sure why you would think pictures of snarling wolves are's just one aspect of their nature. How do you think they protect their family? Probably by snarling growling and looking scarier then whatever it is that's threatening it. And my "wolf" drawings are mostly werewolves if you haven't noticed.

uEXOticTokki said...

These are totally awesome! Is this what they call it: crosshatching? It's a really nice way to shade... I've been trying to learn how to shade like this, but unfortunately, I'm not that good. But your drawings are amazing! ;)